Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's that fun day tomorrow called Easter! I was at Walmart today and saw Adam's friend...Blake. He stopped and talked to me and asked me why we dye Easter Eggs...

I said, "I don't know"......we do it because our Moms did it! Does anyone know why we dye eggs? I know the egg stands for new life and is symbolic of the Resurrection.

Anyway, another fun tradition at our house is the bunny cake.....I had fun making this one today and I always miss the kids being little when I make it!! I am looking forward to the grandkids getting excited about it though. Happy Easter Everyone!!!

May we all be sooooo grateful for the atonement and sacrifice of the Savior for without it there would be no hope in this world!


Bean said...

The Egg represents the tomb in which the savior was sealed. Inside is new life which represents the ressurection.

Rachael said...

How cool, I finally get to see the fun side of your life! I have seen you leave comments on steve and Jenni's blog but every time I clicked on your name it was only a profile. This one time there's your blog on the list!

Jesse and I were wondering if Pear had gotten married yet. I guess that answers that question.